Meet The Murphys!
Jim Murphy
Missionary, Teacher, and Mission Coordinator
Jim has an overwhelming desire to move believers from convert to disciple. He has a passion for the lost and understands that it takes an army of disciples to reach the masses.
Jim didn’t grow up in church and wasn’t searching for God when God found him. He attended a friend day Sunday to appease a persistent friend, and that is where his journey began. Soon after he was led to Christ by a deacon of the church at the age of twenty-six in his living room in Petersburg, IL. Jim was then invited to join a Promise Keepers group which led to a meeting with a pastor from Tanzania. It was this encountered that birthed in him an uncontrollable desire to reach other nations. He began taking short term mission trips to Honduras that eventually led him to Bill Hayden and Promise Home Orphanage.
Jim has a Certificate of Ministry from Global Theological University and is currently pursuing a degree in Theology. He has been teaching adult small groups and been involved in youth ministry since 2001.
In the spring 2012 Jim made his first trip to Promise Home to assist in the construction of a self-sustained orphanage. Then later that same year he married the love of his life Sandra Murphy, who also had a calling for overseas mission work, and the move towards full time ministry began.
Sandra Murphy
Missionary, Evangelist, and Mighty Woman of God
God gave Sandra a vision of people walking aimlessly into a bottomless pit. This vision has given her a desire to reach people for Christ before it’s too late. Her approach is one of love. She loves people, and it shines through with a limitless flow of mercy and compassion.
Sandra had a rough start in life when she was born into a family with an abusive father. Her mother removed them from that abusive situation and soon remarried. Sandra was then blessed to be adopted by her “dad”, a man of gentle spirit, and abounding love. This set the stage for her understanding of being rescued by a loving Father.
Unlike Jim, Sandra did grow up in church. She went to parochial school and attended mass six days a week. Her understanding of God was based on religion more than relationship. Within her was a knowing that there was something missing. After turning eighteen and graduation from high school, she set out to find her own God. While on this voyage of discovery, she learned that seeking things of the world to bring love, happiness, and peace will leave you feeling empty, broken, and unfulfilled. It wasn’t until she had an encounter with God at a weekend women’s retreat that she was really able to find everything that she had been searching for. It was at this retreat that a woman prophesied over her. The woman told her that she saw her doing mission work overseas. Shortly after she met Jim who had already been called into ministry in Honduras.
Sandra spends a great deal of time speaking the love of Jesus into women’s lives. She has an amazing anointing, and God uses her to speak into the lives of hurting people.